Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Holy time flies!!

Ok so I haven't posted in forever! I am now 10 months into my braces treatment. My last adjustment was on the 13th of June. I had all of my X-rays, moulds and whatnot done. Hopefully at my next appointment on July 25th I will hear an update! I really would like to find out the estimated time for my surgery. Or at least what the tentative plan may be!! I'll leave you with a comparison from day 1 to 6 months!

Monday, 16 November 2015

Things are movin!!

So I'm pretty excited at the movement that has happened! My little crooked tooth is really starting to straighten up!! 

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

First adjustment done!

Today I got my first adjustment :) it was super quick and painless. My ortho staff are awesome so it makes it a very pleasant experience. Plus I had a really annoying wire poking me so I couldn't feel better now lol!! Hoping to see lots of movement from my new wire :)

Friday, 30 October 2015

Not as crooked!!

Looks like my sideways, crooked tooth has been on the move!! It's not nearly as sideways as it was!! Yay progress!!!

Thursday, 22 October 2015

1 month with braces!

Well Saturday will technically mark my one month with braces. I find I am pretty used to them now and only really notice them if something has shifted and they start to run in new places. I can already see some improvements which makes me very happy!! In two weeks I will go for my first adjustment. Seems like time is creeping by! I think I'm just impatient to get my first one done :) here are some pics of my progress. Sorry they're not the nicest pics!!
This is day 1...
And this is today. Not a ton of visible difference but I can feel it for sure :) I'll post again after my first adjustment on November 3!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

And they're on!!

So I got my braces put on today. Wasn't too bad. Sally the assistant is pretty awesome and Dr. D is fast and efficient :) after we were done he looked at me and told me I looked 18! Thanks Dr. D!!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

One more sleep!!

I cannot believe that I will have braces tomorrow. I have been waiting to get this done for so long! I am actually super nervous!! I will post how everything goes tomorrow! Wish me luck!