Friday, 30 October 2015

Not as crooked!!

Looks like my sideways, crooked tooth has been on the move!! It's not nearly as sideways as it was!! Yay progress!!!

Thursday, 22 October 2015

1 month with braces!

Well Saturday will technically mark my one month with braces. I find I am pretty used to them now and only really notice them if something has shifted and they start to run in new places. I can already see some improvements which makes me very happy!! In two weeks I will go for my first adjustment. Seems like time is creeping by! I think I'm just impatient to get my first one done :) here are some pics of my progress. Sorry they're not the nicest pics!!
This is day 1...
And this is today. Not a ton of visible difference but I can feel it for sure :) I'll post again after my first adjustment on November 3!